In 2000, the company had sales of approximately EUR 300 M and profit before financial items of EUR 40 M, with 2,000 employees. Markets outside Germany account for about 75 percent of total sales. Walter AG will not accept any liability for the trouble-free and faultless use of the program.
Walter is introducing deep-hole drilling innovations in a double pack under the Walter Titex competence brand. In two product family areas, Tübingen-based Walter AG is making additions to its 2014 standard drilling range. About us. Contact. Its head office is located in Tübingen, Germany. WALTER AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and is included in the German SDAX index.
Walter is a complete service provider for the metalworking industry. The entire risk is with the user. Twitter. Walter AG Tübingen - Walter Tools, Tübingen updated 2017-11-17. Walter AG’s customers include renowned companies from the general plant construction and mechanical engineering sector, the automotive and energy industry, and aviation and aerospace industry. Tigers Tübingen is a basketball team from Tübingen, a college town in central Baden-Württemberg, Germany, playing in the ProA, the country's second tier league.. The Walter Group is one of the leading companies in the metalworking industry. | Walter AG was founded in 1919 and is now one of the world's leading metalworking companies. With the competence brands Walter, Walter Titex, Walter Prototyp and Walter Multiply, we offer a unique and comprehensive range of high-tech tools and services for turning, drilling, threading and milling. Founded as SV 03 Tübingen, is affiliated with the multi-sports club SV 03 Tübingen, which was founded in 1903.In 1952, its basketball section was founded. Walter AG's operations include tools for metalworking, software systems for tool-management and numerically controlled grinding machines.
With around 3500 international employees, the Tübingen-based company has customers in over 80 countries across the world. Tübingen-based Walter AG is presenting a shoulder milling cutter that is a logical continuation of the M4000 system concept in the form of the M4130. Walter AG (Walter Tools) | 22,469 Follower auf LinkedIn | Leading manufacturer of precision tools for metal machining: milling, turning, drilling and threading applications. Facebook.
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