189 likes. 17 17 Seminarpavillon. Frankfurt am Main, 1/2017, 1. The design of the space between the buildings – open lawns, informal tree layout and natural stone paving – aligns with the Campus Wohnheime Campus Westend, Frankfurt, Germany. In some cases there are exceptions to the regular uni-assist application procedure. Title: Campus Westend_210314 Created Date: 3/21/2014 12:50:13 PM Together with the Administration building, they create a link between the Campus and the city of Frankfurt. Campus Westend Goethe-University Discover the Goethe-University as one of the most unique eventlocations in Frankfurt! Land, Stadt und Goethe-Universität verständigen sich über Grundstückstausch.

Das IG-Farben-Haus - ein Gebäude mit Geschichte - bildet das Herz und die Keimzelle des neuesten Standortes der Universität. Wie die Goethe-Universität ins Westend kam. Phone: 069 798-0 • Web: www.uni-frankfurt.de Travel by car: • U-Bahn: Coming from „Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof“ take line U4 and get off at „Bockenheimer Warte“. Poelzig-Bau/Campus Westend The present-day Poelzig Building, designed by Hans Poelzig, formerly the IG-Farben Haus, is still associated with the Third Reich, even though the building itself is nothing more than a superb example of the architecture of the 1920s. Conferences at the Campus Westend are a lovely change to typical conference locations since the Goethe University Frankfurt is quite a special venue. Campus Westend Raum für Gedanken: "Deutschlands schönster Campus" bietet traumhafte und zugleich modernste Studienbedingungen. College & University • Take bus line 75 to „Uni Campus Westend“, get off at „Lübecker Straße“ for „Hörsaalzentrum“, „Bremer Straße“ for „Anbau Casino“ or „Uni Campus Westend“ for for Main Building. Ortmeyer, Benjamin: Jenseits des Hippokratischen Eids: Josef Mengele und die Goethe-Universität. The listed buildings by architect Hans Poelzig as well as the modern buildings are surrounded by green areas and water basins. Uni Report: Attraktive Vision für Campus Westend. This means that for certain courses of study, for certain groups of applicants a different procedure is followed than the standard application via uni-assist, or that there are separate application procedures. Frankfurt am Main 2014. Title: Campus Westend_210314 Created Date: 3/21/2014 12:50:13 PM The Goethe University Moves onto the Westend Campus; The Permanent Exhibition “From Grüneburg to Westend Campus” Commemorative plaques for the victims of the Nazi dictatorship and the Second World War; Norbert Wollheim Memorial. 17 17 Seminarpavillon. Frankfurt am Main 2014. Goethe University’s “Uni Campus Westend” is a cluster of new buildings housing the specialized social sciences and education departments.

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