The University Library supplies teaching staff and students of the University of Passau with literature and information sources in electronic and printed form. The central library is the main library of the university and, together with the five faculty and institute libraries, constitutes the university's library system. Juli) News . Library. You are required to change your password every 93 days. The Law Faculty's international office is your primary contact if you have any questions on the international aspects of your law studies. As a student enrolled at our school, you will receive an outstanding, multifaceted academic education. Our study options are not limited to the accredited degree programmes below, but also include teacher training programmes with economics & business as a teaching subject, as well as a double Master's programme and, naturally, our doctoral programme. Instead of uploading the works directly, you should set hyperlinks to the relevant resource of your library or other organisational unit that has secured the licence. There are additional courses taught in German in addition to those mentioned below: if you improve your German proficiency to an extent that you can follow the courses taught in German you will have a wider range of choices in this degree programme. Suspension of all sports classes and closure of the Sports Centre's facilities for recreational sports extended until 30 June 2020 As of 29 June: central library reading room with 52 desks accessible via booking system.

It coordinates the exchange programmes (e.g. Furthermore, it is available for the general public for scientific and professional purposes as well as for training and further education. Our virtual campus tour lets you explore the University of Passau's beautiful campus in an immersive 360-degree experience.

Sprechzeiten: Während der Vorlesungszeit Dienstag, 14 - 15 Uhr (außer am 2. Please contact the University Library for detailed questions about the licence conditions. On Monday, 30 October, all reading rooms will close at 10 p.m. Extended weekend loans will start on Friday, 27 October, at 11 a.m. and will end Thursday, 2 November, 12 p.m. Auch bei der dritten Teilnahme am THE Young University Ranking kann sich die Universität Passau über einen internationalen Ranking-Erfolg freuen: Mit Rang 22 zählt die Universität Passau weiterhin zu den besten fünf Prozent weltweit. News Suspension of all sports classes and closure of the Sports Centre's facilities for recreational sports extended until 30 June 2020

The University will send important notifications and programme-relevant information to this e-mail address.

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