Some of the information on this Site may not be correct due to product changes which may have occurred since it was launched. PSA did not say which Opel model the Poissy plant will get. Opel has also revealed that a new joint procurement setup for Opel and Vauxhall has been put in place, keeping it in line with PSA’s other brands, Peugeot, Citroen, and DS, which will increase efficiencies. Opel will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the contents of this Site are accurate and up to date but does not accept any liability for any claims or losses arising from a reliance upon the contents of the Site. Opel is one of the largest European car manufacturers and was founded by Adam Opel in Rüsselsheim, Germany, in 1862. Together with its British sister brand Vauxhall, the company is represented in more than 60 countries around the globe selling about one million vehicles in 2019. PARIS -- PSA Group will add production of an Opel small SUV in Poissy, France, the company said on Wednesday. This will include Opel, Vauxhall, Peugeot, Citroën, DS, … The company started building automobiles in 1899. That change alone is said to make up 30 percent of Opel and Vauxhall's planned savings from a combination of cost-cutting measures in the coming years. And sales continue to dissapoint. PSA's changing plans for Opel 24.04.2018. The first one was the Corsa and it also made its premiere with an electric version, also based on the e … The PSA takeover was seen as something of a rescue for Opel. PSA has axed around 900 jobs at Ellesmere Port since buying Opel/Vauxhall in 2017 in a drive for profitabilty. With the merger, PSA and FCA want to create the fourth largest car company in the world. The new compact crossover from Opel is the second one developed under PSA’s control. But Opel's lost PSA €179 million since the takeover. Opel-Vauxhall has registered its first profit in almost two decades under the new ownership of France’s PSA Group, the maker of Peugeot.
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