Elementos retratados neste ficheiro retrata. Lucas Cranach the Elder: Portrait of Hans Luther, Luther's father / Portrait of Margaretha Luther, Luther's mother ... Usage on id.wikipedia.org Martin Luther; Usage on it.wikipedia.org Paul Luther (28 January 1533 – 8 March 1593) was a German physician, medical chemist, and alchemist. Most biographers of Martin Luther refer to his mother as Margarethe Ziegler. Margarethe-Luther-1527.jpg 766 × 1,200; 115 KB Hans and Magrethe Luther.jpg 1,298 × 1,000; 384 KB Hans and Margarethe Luther, by Lucas Cranach the Elder.jpg 1,455 × 767; 229 KB He was the third son of the German Protestant Reformer Martin Luther and was successively physician to John Frederick II, Duke of Saxony; Joachim II Hector, Elector of Brandenburg; Augustus, Elector of Saxony and his successor Christian I, Elector of Saxony. Portraits of Hans and Margarethe Luther by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1527. Life. Sie lebte nun in Nömme und wurde bekannt als Margarethe Maria Luther von Glehn (später in den USA Margaret Maria Luther von Glehn). 1936 gebar sie ihren ersten Sohn Lars. Katharina von Bora (German: [kataˈʁiːna fɔn ˈbɔʁa]; 29 January 1499 – 20 December 1552), after her wedding Katharina Luther, also referred to as "die Lutherin" ("the Lutheress"), was the wife of Martin Luther, German reformer and a seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation.Beyond what is found in the writings of Luther and some of his contemporaries, little is known about her. Martin Luther (n.10 noiembrie 1483, Eisleben, Saxonia - d. 18 februarie 1546), pastor și doctor în teologie, a fost primul reformator protestant ale cărui reforme au dus la nașterea Bisericii Evanghelice-Luterane.Primele idei ale Reformei protestante au fost enunțate de Martin Luther în 1517, în calitatea sa de preot catolic și profesor de exegeză biblică la Universitatea din Wittenberg. Georg von Kunheim d. Ä. There was an Anna Margaretha, sixth and youngest child of Martin Luther. Clique uma data e hora para ver o ficheiro tal como ele se encontrava nessa altura.
Margarete von Kunheim, geborene Margarete Luther (* 17.Dezember 1534 in Wittenberg; † 1570 in Mohrungen, Herzogtum Preußen) war die jüngste Tochter von Martin Luther und Katharina von Bora.Mit ihrem Mann begründete sie eine weitverzweigte Familie mit heutigen Nachkommen.. Leben. Paul Luther (28 January 1533 – 8 March 1593) was a German physician, medical chemist, and alchemist.
Histórico do ficheiro. Martin Luther lahir dari pasangan Hans Luder (atau Ludher, kelak Luther) dan Margarethe (née Lindemann) istrinya pada 10 November 1483 di Eisleben, Sachsen, yang kala itu merupakan bagian dari Kekaisaran Romawi Suci.Ia dibaptis keesokan harinya pada pesta peringatan St. Martinus dari Tours.Keluarganya pindah ke Mansfeld pada 1484, tempat ayahnya menjadi penyewa usaha sejumlah …
She was born 17 Dec 1534 and died in 1570. But Ian Siggins maintains, on the basis of his extensive research, that she was a Lindemann. Genealogy for Margarethe Elisabeth Luther (1689 - 1727) family tree on Geni, with over 190 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Captions. September 1907 in Helsinki), Neffe des Sperrholzfabrik-Besitzers Luther in Reval aus der alten Revaler Familie Luther (Nachkommen des Onkels Martin Luthers). Margarete Kunheim Martin Luther's daughter Born: December 17, 1534 Died: 1570 Parents: Martin Luther, Katharina von Bora Siblings: Paul Luther, Magdalena Luther, Elisabeth Luther, Martin Luther, Hans Luther Grandparents: Margarethe Luther, Hans Luther Uncle: Jacob Luther Genealogy profile for Margarethe Elisabeth Luther. Seine Familie führte ihren Nachnamen in verschiedenen Varianten.