27 comments in this topic. Never submarines, they said. Media The Incredibly Well-rounded Friedrich der Große [140k damage] (youtube.com) submitted 2 years ago by flamuchz Flamu - twitch.tv/flamuu. sorted by: best. Got the Friedrich Der Grosse, thought: "Oh its going to be like the Bismarck, and Gneisenau. Recommended Posts. With guns. Post a comment!
By ARandomClaymore, January 6, 2018 in General Game Discussion. 1,298 posts. And I will be able to return fire to most of the targets that are opening fire on me." Link to post Share on other sites. KM Friedrich der Große, how to play. Friedrich der Große - How do you play this thing? ARandomClaymore 126 Warrant Officer; Members; 126 402 posts; 3,961 battles; Location: Dallas, TX; Report post #1; Posted January 6, 2018. i've already researched everything on my friedrich der große (mostly with free xp, life is too short and hard to play stock ships in tier IX...), and played her up to 150k xp. 26 posts. 6,535 battles. 126 ARandomClaymore. Volunteer Moderator Coordinator. Gunboats. By Bunny_Lover_Kallen, May 18, 2018 in Battleships. You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section. Recommended Posts. Players. Recommended Posts [NAN0] Bunny_Lover_Kallen. 46 comments ; share; save; hide. Members. ... A review I found really helpful for FdG by Flamu: Share this post. KM Friedrich der Große, how to play Sign in to follow this . What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? 3,961 battles. 7,439 posts. Friedrich der Große - How to play? then i decided to change pace and played other lines. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . 406 [MIA-I] LancerUlysses. 5 ShinaMashiro. 8,251 battles [NAN0] Bunny_Lover_Kallen Admiral of the Fleet; Players; 7,439 posts; 8,251 battles ; Report post #1; Posted May 18, 2018. 9 comments in this topic. report; all 46 comments. ShinaMashiro 5 Seaman; … r/WorldOfWarships: A game about huge boats. SMS Friedrich der Grosse was the second vessel of the Kaiser class of battleships of the German Imperial Navy. Followers 2. top new controversial old random q&a live (beta) Want to add to the discussion? Ok, my WR in this ship is now 42%. Create an account. Gunboats. Guns will be somewhat inaccurate but they will do damage. I have never been so wrong in my life. Looking for advice on the Friedrich Der Grosse Sign in to follow this . By ShinaMashiro, January 24, 2018 in German Battleships. You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section. Friedrich der Grosse ' s keel was laid on 26 January 1910 at the AG Vulcan dockyard in Hamburg, her hull was launched on 10 June 1911, and she was commissioned into the fleet on 15 October 1912.The ship was equipped with ten 30.5-centimeter (12 in) guns in five twin turrets, and had … r/WorldOfWarships: A game about huge boats.
Members. Followers 2. km; battleships; secondary; 420; 6 comments in this topic. Never submarines, they said. 402 posts.
With guns. …
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