Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, (born March 8, 1714, Weimar, Saxe-Weimar [Germany]—died Dec. 14, 1788, Hamburg), second surviving son of J.S. His music, unlike that of his father or that of the master he influenced, Haydn, did not define an era so much as reveal a deeply personal response to the musical conventions of his time. and Maria Barbara Bach, and the leading composer of the early Classical period.

The second surviving son of J.S. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 – 1788) As a German composer whose early works exemplified the grandeur of Baroque style and whose subsequent works evolved into pure Classicism, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s keyboard music offers a charming and historical look into the musical transition between two great eras of music history. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - son of Johann Sebastian - is a composer about whom we hear little today, although in the 18th Century he was one of the most influential, successful and imitated musicians in … Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel was the most innovative and idiosyncratic member of an extremely talented musical family.

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